Orange County's 10th annual Armenian Festival returns on October 5th & 6th at St. Mary Armenian Church in Costa Mesa. Come enjoy an authentic Armenian cultural experience with your whole family.
HOURS: 4pm-10pm Saturday / Noon-7pm Sunday
WHERE: On the beautiful grounds of St. Mary Armenian Church
143 E. 22nd Street - Costa Mesa, CA
ADMISSION: $3; Look for our FREE admission coupon in your local papers
Or "like" us on Facebook, Check-in on Yelp or post your pictures from last year with the hashtag #ocarmenianfoodfest for FREE admission!
PARKING: Free parking around all residential streets surrounding the church.
There is also Handicapped Parking available at the church. Check out our map.
VOLUNTEERING: If you need voulenteer hours for school or just want to pitch in and lend a helping hand, St. Mary's Church can use your help! Please us via email at stmaryarmenianfestival@gmail.com or call us at 949-432-MARY (6279) and let us know your availability.